A Rant: Sin Vs Dumb

by Aaron
Sometimes I just like to rant about something that really bugs me, what's great about that is I have a forum to do it…it's called Element's blog. You don't have to read it, I don't have to write it, but I did and now you do, that's how it works.
I am reading a book right now, which isn't surprising if you know me. The author of this book got me thinking because he started talking about the difference between something that was a sin verses something that was just dumb.
  • If you spend all your money trying to soup up your car or your home stereo and have no savings for an emergency…it is not necessarily a sin, it's just dumb.
  • If you only have a part time job so you can play your video games to the wee hours of the night and become your clan’s next "guild leader," it may not be a sin, but it is just dumb.
Young men will often say things like "it's not a sin," like this author points out "neither is eating your cereal box instead of the cereal, it's just dumb." 
It's like I wrote about a few weeks ago, it is the idea of legacy, "what are we leaving behind us." Today a single woman is more likely to go to college, have a job, attend church, and have a driver's license then a young man (18-34 years old). Marketing companies target 18-34 year old males because they don't know what it means to be men as they try to fill their lives by what they consume and not what they produce.
I know it is easier to rant then give answers, and I want to encourage young men to actually want more than what our culture or their friends are driven by. I want young men, all men, to be those who lead those around them into something greater, who know what a true faith centered on Jesus looks like and is lived like, and are not afraid to take a stand for the truth even when assaulted by craziness from all sides.
If you are a reading this blog I would like you to consider praying to Jesus about:
  • Not only your rights, but also your responsibilities
  • How to give instead of take
  • How to meet obligations without expecting anything in return
  • How to wait until you can afford things rather than going into debt
  • The difference between work and fun (which goes back to responsibilities)
We must be a people a who honor Jesus with how we live…and I believe God's men must lead that way, because right now they are leading nowhere. It may not be a sin, but it is dumb. Let's move in Jesus' direction together.

A Call to Resurgence